from a void space of my empty skull...

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The misunderstood concept of Love

14 Feb, Valentines Day - probably a special day to unleash all the unexpressed love, carefully locked within an iron chest, whose keys have long been lost in the world of carnal and materialistic pleasures. Driven by more irrational and subjective wants, these so called special occasions are gathering increased traction in the rapidly changing landscape. With changing demographics, India would witness unbridled demand for such occasions in the years to come. Spinning the yarn to create more sell-able stories, the marketers stand to gain by creating more hype and hoopla around these events consciously resulting in commoditization of Love. Commoditization of love increases the dependency on material factors directly resulting in diminishing marginal utility of love, as in the case of any commodity. Accelerating the Commoditization of love is the external environment - movies and demographics causing the (un)desirable paradigm shift - creating dent on the enigmatic concept of love.

Love, in my opinion, has increasing marginal utility. And more so the incremental love is never incremental, but rather in high quantum which is immeasurable. Love does not wait for moments like Valentines Day, but rather it takes its own course to define moments which is not time & frequency bound. Love does not depend on material factors, but the material factors per se, creates delight factors in the game of love. Love can still exist without delight factors, as in the long run delight factors might not exist and what would still exist is Love.

Entities in failed relationships should have cognizance of seizing every opportunity to define moments of love. The True moments of love have higher degree of emotional appeal to make relationships work and keep it alive with life. The more we wait for moments to share and "exchange" love, the more the relationship is at risk. But unfortunately, the growing youth is inebriated with commercial aspects of Love and grossly miss out on its truest form weakening its spine. Increasing divorces, domestic violence, deserted relationships are all cases in point.

To cut the long story short....Don't wait for moments in the game of love just create them and keep li(o)ving it.


Anonymous said...

Call it changing landscape or degradation of values or aping western culture or commercialization or whatever.

The facts are indisputable...You have 45% of the population who are between the 15 - 45 age group (Sorry, if my stats are wrong, People are seeing new concepts,new ways of doing things (including expressing their love),so they are going to do it, if it appeals to them. Let People decide what they want to do, how they want to do. Some want to be flashy abt their expression of love, some want to be more quiet or docile in their display.If their expression of love strikes chord with Eve, how does it matter whether they bought a chocolate cake or "Dil" shape ballons or a a simple stem of rose or a book or a music CD or a quiet candlelight dinner as a gift. It's about the individual preferences.I don't think we have the right to question it. If Valentine's day is commercialization so is Mother's day, Diwali, navraathri or wahetevr day it is..... by the way, navraathri day is the day where the highest pre-marital physical intimacy is pre-dominant in Gujrat. Companies advertise about safe sex protection during this occasion.Isn't this a holy festival, where the Daandiya dance form is supposed to be an art form of expression rather than an occasion for frentic love making...the point is,let's not marginalize or brand the concept of expressing love (irrational as it may sound to the write...), just becos it appears too flashy to some.You don't like it... don't do it,somebody else like it that way...Change is immenent, People are going to adopt to ways, which are convenient for them to go about or buy the idea which appears attractive to them. Remember all these occasions are guaranteed to create novelty, you are going to have buyers and sellers, what you buy or sell depends on your thoughts, creativity, the ability to create a niche around the idea or the concept.. You succeed, you make money or impress Eve (if you want to...),else better luck next time....Period !!!!

Kiran said...

Machi Narayana,

Soooperaaa oru rangeea thaan Ezhuturaaaa

Keep it going


Unknown said...

"Don't wait for moments in the game of love just create them and keep li(o)ving it." - Good one.

Baker Street said...

Good one da.

Nice application of economic theory to an abstract entity (Love)
I agree with your analysis too.

8to12&12to4&4to8&now24/7 said...

hey nary, didn't know how else to get in touch with ye. i created a blog here too...
its called wishiwerealive